Products - Contact - ESPAÑOL

Email Databases ISA Europe Corporative 2021 B
23 Countries - 3.82 million corporative emails

Product Code: 91-0340

On this page you can purchase the Email Databases ISA Europe Corporative 2021 B, with email lists B2B of 23 countries.

Formats: TXT (texto), CSV (Excel)

Why to purchase this database?

(1) No fake emails are included in this package

(2) Thousands of NEW EMAILS

(3) Non-existent emails removed

(4) Role email (webmaster@ and postmaster@) are removed

(5) Spamtraps and complainants are excluded

(6) Duplicates are deleted

(7) Free domains (webmail) are excluded

Country Emails
1 AUSTRIA 26.662
2 BELGIUM 159.086
3 BULGARIA 37.119
4 CROACIA 51.272
5 DENMARK 179.209
6 ESTONIA 40.179
7 FINLAND 91.454
8 FRANCE 227.663
9 GERMANY 654.298
10 GREECE 52.564
11 IRELAND 45.188
12 ITALY 819.118
13 LITUANIA 20.588
14 MALTA 6.874
15 NETHERLANDS 258.206
16 NORWAY 93.163
17 POLAND 125.932
18 PORTUGAL 138.826
19 SPAIN 585.868
20 SWEDEN 86.871
22 TURKEY 53.847

Please click the desired payment type

EUR 196 with Paypal

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9204-2292 - Skype: chronskype

