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ISA Email Packer 3.1
Email List Optimitation Software

Product Code: 91-2040

Processing list line by line

Mixes up to 3 email lists
Eliminates duplicates
Divide email lists into packages
Eliminates the cut emails
Cleans commas, quotation marks, or any other unnecessary the character
Deletes emails identified in list of spamtraps

Email composition filters

Select emails from a selected domain name
Remove unwanted domains
Deletes emails that contain certain words or symbols
Select emails that contain a certain word

Corporative emails

Eliminates emails at hotmail, gmail, yahoo and other generic domains.
Select emails of corporative domains, with a maximum emails amount by domain.

Please click the desired payment type

EUR 45 with Paypal

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9204-2292 - Skype: chronskype

